KATS members-

In April 2022 the KSHSAA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee provided updates to the KSHSAA Recommended Activity Modification Policy during periods of elevated heat/humidity.  The Executive Board unanimously approved these updates at their April 2022 meeting.  The policy updates incorporate the use of Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) values instead of Heat Index values when making activity modification decisions. The impetus for the policy change was due to the availability of a grant to provide member schools with Kestrel 5400 Heat Stress trackers along with this being an area of improvement identified during the KSI TUFFS meeting.  All 364-member high schools will be provided with a Kestrel Units.  Please refer to the attachment for the full policy, or at https://www.kshsaa.org/Public/PDF/HeatPolicy-Current.pdf   Additionally, the Exertional Heat Illness document found in the same section, has been updated. https://www.kshsaa.org/Public/PDF/HeatInfoCurrent.pdf

In support of this endeavor KATS members Jamie Blackim, Erin Washington, Cooper Sax and Wayne Harmon along with the assistance of student videographer Gavin Frigon produced a series of videos that explains the setup of the Kestrel unit using KSHSAA recommended values, along with proper rapid cooling options.  These videos will be posted to the KSHSAA in the near future, or accessed from the links below.

The units should be delivered to member schools during their administrator meetings. Make sure an administrator is present to receive the Kestrel unit. 

I hope you have had a relaxing and enjoyable summer, we look forward to seeing you on November 13th, 2022 for the annual KATS Symposium & Meeting in Lawrence.


KATS Executive Board

Water Dousing



Kiddie Pool

Kestrel Setup